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Chapter 1 - Lesson in Minority Attack and 2 weaknesses Ilfeld vs Arkell
Chapter 2 - Carlsbad Structure Without Queens
Chapter 3 - Converting with 4 vs 3 on the Kingside Arkell vs Ledger
Chapter 4 - Knight dominating Bishop Arkell vs Toma
Chapter 5 - Typical Caro Rook Ending Sugden vs Arkell
Chapter 6 - Assessing K+P ending
Chapter 7 - Double Rook Endgame Arkell vs Suba
Chapter 8 - Two Bishops J.Houska vs K.Arkell
Chapter 9 - Old Rivals Arkell vs Hebden
Chapter 10 - Double isolated d-pawns
Chapter 11 - Don't be afraid to swap pawns: Arkell vs Spreeuw
Chapter 12 - Good or bad Bishop Arkell vs Kotronias
Chapter 13 - Patience whilst nurturing the two Bishops Certek vs Arkell
Chapter 14 - Knight Endgame
Chapter 15 - Fortress Question Mark Arkell vs Byrne
Chapter 16 - Playing for mate in a pawnless endgame Arkell vs Kosten
Chapter 17 - 5 vs 4 Arkell vs Wadsworth
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With chess booming online and time controls becoming ever faster, mastery of the endgame has never been so important. A few positions can be memorised; most rely on feel. How would you go about converting an extra pawn in a rook endgame and would you have any idea how to even try to win bishop and knight against knight and pawn?
In Arkell's Endings, acclaimed endgame expert Keith Arkell guides you through some of his finest games – and grinds. Making good use of clear explanation, not a wealth of variations, he should convince even the most ardent of opening theoreticians and attacking experts that endgames can be enjoyable, as well as beautiful on occasion.
Grandmaster Keith Arkell has been one of Britain's most prolific players since turning professional in 1980. His rivalry on the weekend circuit with fellow GM Mark Hebden is the stuff of legend, but he has also thrived on the bigger stage. He has finished first as many as 25 times at the Paignton International Congress and in 2008 tied for first in the British Championship at Liverpool's iconic St George's Hall. 2014 was another highly successful year, as Arkell became the European Over-50 Champion, following that up with the silver medal at the World Senior Championships.
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