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0 Introduction to DVD
1.0 Introduction to Chapter 1
1.11 Develop Your Pieces Part 1
1.12 Develop Your Pieces Part 2
1.3 King Safety
1.4 Try Not to Move the Same Pieces
1.5 Avoid Unnecessary Pawn Moves
1.6 Gain Time
2 Introduction to Chapter 2
2.1 Activate Rooks
2.2 Use All Your Pieces
2.3 Send Your Pieces Where They're Useful
2.4 Avoid Creating Weak Squares
2.5 Don't Give Up the Bishop Pair Lightly
3 Introduction to Chapter 3
3.1 Blunders
3.2 Missing Threats
3.3 Getting the Queen out Prematurely
3.4 Weakening Pawn Moves
3.5 Lack of Planning
4 Introduction to Chapter 4
4.1 Don't Lose Focus in a Winning Position
4.2 Don't Resign Prematurely
4.3 Always Check Your Opponent's Last Move
4.4 Think Twice Before Accepting a Draw
4.5 Don't Panic
5.1 Fiona's Best Game
5.3 Si's Best Game
6 Fiona's Fundamentals Conclusion
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In her first DVD, WIM Fiona Steil-Antoni's Fiona's Fundamentals is a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of chess. Suitable for beginners to advanced club players on the tournament circuit, Fiona's Fundamentals covers an extensive repertoire of essential principles, ideal for anyone wishing to develop or strengthen their existing skills and refresh their chess. Presented in the Double Tuition format with GM Simon Williams aka GingerGM, every fundamental is illustrated with examples from Fiona's own games spanning years from her debut at international competitions aged 11, to an Olympiad Gold board medalist aged 17.
In five full chapters spanning 7.5 hours, Fiona and Simon will take you through the crucial principles necessary for the improving player, including time management, intuition, calculation, avoiding mistakes, reacting under pressure and seeing one move further. Your chess: refreshed!
To finish the DVD, Fiona and Simon present their favourite games from their many years of tournament play.
WIM Fiona Steil-Antoni is best known as a passionate international tournament player, commentator, streamer and journalist. Fiona has commentated at top tournaments across the world including the Reykjavik Open, IoM Chess, and Tata Steel.
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Watch a sneak preview of the DVD, 'Chapter 2.5 – Don't Give Up the Bishop Pair Lightly' below.
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