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Why you need to see one move further
How nerves affects our ability to see deeper
The importance of seeing unusual candidate moves
Why chess is an ideas game
The value of challenging your assumptions
How to assess positions and the importance of understanding time
Deep analysis
Checking your variations and seeing beyond the obvious
Expand your horizon and see unusual candidate moves
The beauty of analysis and why it helps to get alternative viewpoints
Punishing your opponents weak play in the opening
The value of imagination
Identify your opponents plans and prevent them
Killing an opponents threat stone dead
Using deep calculation to find a prophylactic idea
Using prophylactic play in the opening
Using a pawn move to change the character of a position
Breaking through opponents defences with a dynamic pawn move
Using dynamic pawn moves to seize key squares
Launching a counter attack with a dynamic central break
The danger of a lighting attack and how to sense the danger
Snuffing out an attack with a key defensive move
The dangers of intermediate moves
Why understanding is important in avoiding mistakes
The value of patience
Situations where you play passively. How to avoid doing so
Psychological reasons for mistakes
Why your opponent is yourself
Hitting the ground running
Getting the approach correct
The value of going for the throat
Why it is important not to panic
Combining calculation with intuition
Using intuition to identify candidate moves
How nerves can affect your intuition
Losing the thread of the game. Losing momentum
Using time wisely at key moments
How to react to coming under pressure
Using your experience to know when to gamble
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Grandmaster Danny Gormally's How to Win Chess Tournaments explores practical methods of top Grandmasters that the ambitious student of chess can incorporate into their own games to improve results and maximise wins. Using examples from top-level games, Danny explains how top Grandmasters approach the game and are able exploit opportunities more often than lower-rated players.
All too often, the practical aspects of playing over-the-board are neglected in favour of other types of study, with hours spent pouring over essential opening theory; but to go beyond the opening and into a successful middlegame, you must hone other essential skills such as time management, intuition, calculation, avoiding mistakes, reacting under pressure and seeing one move further.
All these considerations and more are carefully covered in this 10-hour, all-rounder interactive course with concrete example games by top Grandmasters, and puzzles to test your understanding at the conclusion of every chapter. In ten comprehensive chapters, you will delve into the skill set and strengths of former World Champions and top players such as Kasparov, Karpov, Spassky, Anand and Kramnik, all masters who dominated the world of chess for decades. There are also practical examples of modern games between well-known Grandmaster professional players, masters who began their journey in the chess club to beyond. Suitable for the beginner to club player, intermediate to advanced, this extensive course offers a complete introduction and refresh of essential skills that all players must establish and develop in order to flourish.
You will learn:
and much more, in this, GingerGM's first release in our new "interactive" course format. Each section includes puzzles for the viewer to consolidate what they have learnt, and fully-annotated PGN files allow you to play through the moves alongside the videos or at your own leisure. Videos can be watched online at gingergm.com with the "streaming" option at a small additional cost. Several videos are available free, so take a look on gingergm.com/shop!
Regular readers of Danny's articles on the Ginger GM blog will know that he is a thorough analyst and pulls no punches when discussing psychological aspects of the game. GM Gormally is an English Grandmaster who has represented the English national team at the Chess Olympiad and European Team Championship.
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