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1.0 Introduction
Chapter 7.5 The Classic Nf3 Variation - 4 Nf3 dxe5 5 Nxe5 g6 part 5
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The Alekhine opening is known to be one of the oldest weapons for black against 1.e4. The opening takes its name from the former World Champion Alexander Alekhine, who implemented this opening with great success. Nowadays, the Alekhine is regarded as an interesting option for black if you want to avoid openings that get huge attention like the Sicilian opening or 1...e5. Even the current world champion Magnus took an interest and implemented this opening in his (online) blitz repertoire!
The Alekhine opening is very provocative as you give white the option to take the centre, and the approach is that you can later undermine that centre, which is not that easy to deal with from the white side.
Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers has played the opening throughout his life. In this DVD, Roeland provides a full repertoire for you to enjoy with the addition of, like he is known for, comprehensive .pgn files for you to read and study. GingerGM welcomes you into the world of the non-standard and dangerous Killer Alekhine opening!
Video descriptions:
Video 1: Introduction: Roeland introduces the Alekhine opening and what his approach was in the making of this repertoire.
Video 2: Exchange Variation: Roeland introduces white’s popular 5.exd6 move and it’s mainline where white goes for the most common setup with Nf3-c4-Nc3-Be2 and Be3
Video 3: Exchange Variation: Roeland introduces the setup where white plays with h3 and thus not allowing Bg4. In this video Roeland will discuss the less critical lines.
Video 4: Exchange Variation: White plays with h3 and thus not allowing Bg4. In this video Roeland will discuss the more dangerous options at white’s disposal.
Video 5: Exchange Variation: Roeland introduces the prophylactic early Be3-Rc1 and b3 setup and discusses the more dangerous options for white in this variation.
Video 6: Exchange Variation: Continuing with the prophylactic Be3-Rc1 and b3 setup. In this video Roeland discusses the less dangerous options for white.
Video 7: Exchange Variation: Roeland introduces the setup where white does not go for the move c4 and plays Nf3-Bc4 and c3. A positional line where white goes for a non-theoretical and positional game.
Video 8: Exchange Variation: Contuing from the previous video Roeland discusses an interesting setup where white does not play c3 but instead plays h3 and Nc3.
Video 9: The Four Pawns Attack: Roeland introduces the Variation, discusses the new g6-Bg7 and Be6 setup for black and white’s most principled reaction with 8.d5.
Video 10: The Four Pawns Attack: Roeland discusses white’s other option 8.Nf3.
Video 11: The sneaky 4.f4: White tries to be smart with postponing c4. In this video Roeland discusses the straightforward counter to this line.
Video 12: The sneaky 4.Bc4: White tries to go for a non-standard position with a slight space advantage after 4...dxe5 and 5.Qh5. Roeland discusses how this line is not to be underestimated and how to play against white’s setup.
Video 13: The Provocative 4.c5: Roeland introduces the Variation and how to play if white goes for the quiet 5.Nc3 and 6.Nxd5 or for an Alapin type of position with 6.d4
Video 14: The Provocative 4.c5: Roeland discusses an interesting pawn sacrifice for white with the move 6.Bc4. And how not taking the pawn is black’s best option.
Video 15: The Provocative 4.c5: Roeland discusses how to play if white refrains from the 5.Nc3 move.
Video 16: The Aggressive 4.a4: Roeland discusses how this line is not to be underestimated and how to deal with the early dynamic positions that occur.
Video 17: The Classical 4.Nf3 Variation: Roeland introduces the variation, the choice of 4...dxe5 and 5…g6, and the mainline where white plays 6.Bc4 and 9.Bb3.
Video 18: The Classical 4.Nf3 Variation: Roeland discusses white’s alternative options on move 9
Video 19: The Classical 4.Nf3 Variation: Roeland discusses how to play when white goes for 8.Nd2 and how play is slightly different than seen in the previous video’s.
Video 20: The Classical 4.Nf3 Variation: Roeland discusses how to play when white goes for 6.Bd3 instead of 6.Bc4.
Video 21: The Classical 4.Nf3 Variation: Roeland discusses how to play when white goes for the seemingly non ambitious 6.Be2.
Video 22: The Classical 4.Nf3 Variation; Roeland discusses how to play when white plays the straightforward 6.c4.
Video 23: The Classical 4.Nf3 Variation: Roeland discusses what to do when white takes back with 5.dxe5!?. A line that where white again goes for a slight space advantage.
Video 24: The Safe 3.Nc3 Variation: Roeland discusses the nature of this line, how it could transpose to other lines, and what his recommendation is.
Video 25: White’s 2nd move alternatives: White could try to avoid the main theory in the Alekhine by playing 2.d3 or 2.Nc3. Roeland discusses what to do against 2.d3, how he came to 2...d5 as his recommendation against 2.Nc3 and how to play if white plays 3.exd5.
Video 26: White’s 2nd move alternatives: Roeland discusses white’s main option with 3.e5, how he came to 3...d4 as his recommendation and what to do if white goes for 4.exf6.
Video 27: White’s 2nd moves alternatives; Roeland discusses white’s interesting 4.Nce2 and how to to play with his novelty rich approach.
Video 28: Outro: Roeland discusses his approach on the pgn’s and says a few final words
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