1 of 26
1 - Chapter 1 Part 1: Nd2 6.Qxd4 and 7.b4
2 - Part 2a: Nd2 6.Qxd4 and 7.Nf3
3 - Part 2b: Nd2 6.Qxd4 and 7.Nf3
4 - Part 3a: Nd2 6.Nxf3
5 - Part 3b: Nd2 6.Nf3 7.g3
6 - Chapter 2 Part 1: Nc3 and 4.e3 - Nf3 - a3
7 - Part 2a: Nc3 4.Qb3 c5 5.a3 d5
8 - Part 2b: Nc3 4.Qb3 c5 5.Nf3 and Bg5 line
9 - Part 2c: Nc3 4.Qb3 c5 5.Nf3 and a3 line
10 - Part 2d: Nc3 4.Qb3 c5 5.Nf3 and Bf4 line
11 - Part 3.Qc2
12 - Part 4a: 4.e4 and Qc2
13 - Part 4b: 4.e4 and Bd3
14 Part 4c: 4.e4 and f3
15 - 4.g3 and d6-e5 set-up Part 6a
16 - 4.g3 and d6-e5 set up Part 6b
17 - 4.Nf3 and a3 Part 4
18 - 4.Nf3 and g3 Part 5
19 - Chapter 3 Part 1a: Bd2 a5 4.e4
20 - Part 1b: 4.e4
21 - Part 1c: 4.e4
22 - Part 2a: 4.Nc3 and a3
23 - Part 2b: 4.Nc3 and e3-Nf3-Rc1
24 - Part 3a: 4.a3 and the problem about d6
25 - Part 3b 4.a3-Nc3 and d5 set up
26 - Part 3c: 5.a3-Nc3 and d5 set up
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Welcome everybody to my Killer Bogo Indian - French Style opening course! The name of this exclusive opening is based on a sharp and dynamic set-up and of course the option of a transposition into the French opening when white plays 2.e4.
The course is divided into 3 chapters:
1: 3.Nd2
2. 3.Nc3
3. 3.Bd2
All those chapters lead to different structures, ideas and options. I tried to choose the sharpest variations in my course as I am a dynamic player, however I also mention alternatives in the game notations, which are naturally considerable.
Why does the Killer Bogo Indian offer you an excellent repertoire? First of all the "learning theory effort is rather limited" if you are a French opening player. Secondly the move order 1...e6 and Bb4 does avoid the Nimzo Indian defence (see chapter 2), as you do not put your knight on f6 at the early stage. The early b6-Bb7 and f5 set-up gives you a quick control on the important central square on e4.
Last but not least is the built up of pressure. In most variations you create an early attack in the centre, forcing your opponent on precise and correct play.
I played many games in the Bogo Indian Variation myself with great success, especially for rapid and blitz games this is a super good opening as moves are logical and come easy by hand.
IM Elizabeth Paethz
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