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1 - The Magnus Queen's Gambit Introduction


2 - 5...Nf6 mainline


3 - 5...Nf6 sidelines


4 - 5...h6 mainline


5 - 5...h6 sidelines


6 - 3.Nc3 5.Qb3 our solid choice


7 - 3.Nc3 with 5.Qb3 aggressive option


8 - 3.Nc3 5.Bf4 Our lazy option


9 - 3.Nc3 5.Bf4 our aggressive choice


10 - 3.Nc3 sidelines on move 4


11 - 3.Nf3 4.Nbd2 Our lazy option


12 - 3.Nf3 4.Nbd2 Our aggressive option


13 - 3.Nf3 4.Bg5


14 - 3.Nf3 4.g3 Our solid option


15 - 3.Nf3 4.g3 Our aggressive option


16 - 3.Nf3 4.c5


17 - 3.Nf3 sidelines on move 4


18 - London System


19 - 2.Nf3 Sidelines


20 - Alternatives on move 2


21 - Exercise 1


22 - Exercise 2


23 - Exercise 3


24 - Exercise 4


25 - Exercise 5


26 - Exercise 6


27 - Exercise 7


28 - Exercise 8


29 - Exercise 9


30 - Exercise 10


1. 1 - The Magnus Queen's Gambit Introduction

The Magnus Queens Gambit

with GM Nils Grandelius

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The Magnus Queen's Gambit is a solid and reliable opening for Black against 1.d4, popularised by World Champion Magnus Carlsen as an attempt to get more winning chances against well-prepared but weaker opponents. By putting our pawns in the centre with d5 and e6 we make sure that nothing too bad can happen to us, but by playing the slightly provocative move 3...a6 we deviate from all the main openings, making it much less likely that White is prepared against it. In style of play, it is a classical opening where the focus is on understanding the middlegames arising, much more than remembering concrete lines.

Nils Grandelius has been a second of Magnus Carlsen in two successful World Title matches, and has played the Magnus Queen's Gambit in his own games on a regular basis for many years. In this course he explains his own views on the opening. The focus is on understanding rather than remembering, both the specific opening moves and the middlegame positions. But Nils wouldn't be Nils if he didn't also offer many new ideas and concepts in well known positions, sometimes with novelties as early as move 6 and 7!

In this course you will get a complete repertoire against 1.d4 and also learn a lot about chess in general. The series also comes with .pgn-files for all the lines, providing ample possibilities for further studies on your own.

  • Video 1 –Introduction: Nils is introducing the Magnus Queen's Gambit and explaining what the video course will be about.
  • Video 2: Mainline with 5...Nf6: Nils is explaining the mainline, with focus on how to play the middlegame with the Carlsbad pawn structure arising.
  • Video 3: 5...Nf6 sidelines: White's various options to avoid the mainline. Particularly the very topical and dangerous ideas with early Qb3's.
  • Video 4: 5...h6 mainline: Nils explains the pros and cons of his own favouite h6-line. The focus is on the middlegames and which additional ideas it gives compared with the 5...Nf6 mainline.
  • Video 5: 5...h6 sidelines:White's attempt at punishing the slow move h6. Some less popular but tricky lines.
  • Video 6: 3.Nc3 with 5.Qb3, Our solid choice: Nils explains why Qb3 used to be considered very dangerous for Black but shows how it can be dealt with in a solid and reliable manner.
  • Video 7: 3.Nc3 with 5.Qb3, Our aggressive choice: Nils shows a very fresh and double-edged idea against White's early Qb3.
  • Video 8: 3.Nc3 with 5.Bf4, Our lazy choice: Nils explains White's attempt at getting a Carlsbad with the knight on e2 instead of f3 and how Black needs to alter his plans somewhat.
  • Video 9: 3.Nc3 with 5.Bf4, Our aggressive choice: Black's attempt at punishing White's move order by attacking the centre immediately.
  • Video 10: 3.Nc3 Sidelines on move 4: Nils shows how to easily deal with a few rare lines. The focus is on showing why Black has an improved version of well-known openings like the Slav and the Queen' Gambit Accepted.
  • Video 11: 3.Nf3 with 4.Nbd2, Our lazy option: Nils introduces the early Nbd2-variation and shows why it needs to be treated with care. A simple low-effort option is offered.
  • Video 12: 3.Nf3 with 4.Nbd2, Our aggressive option: Nils shows what happens after the more direct 4...dxc4, explaining what the strategic dangers are but also how to compensate for them.
  • Video 13: 3.Nf3 with 4.Bg5: Nils explains why 4.Bg5 has gotten popular lately and how to deal with it. Focus is again on the pawn structures arising in the middlegames.
  • Video 14: 3.Nf3 with 4.g3, Our solid option: Nils introduces the Catalan setup, and shows a solid way to handle it.
  • Video 15: 3.Nf3 with 4.g3, Our aggressive option: Nils shows a more challenging and combative way of dealing with the Catalan, leading to very strategically complex positions.
  • Video 16: 3.Nf3 with 4.c5: Nils shows an exciting way of dealing with White's supposedly solid move 4.c5. Also a very low-effort alternative is given.
  • Video 17: 3.Nf3 Sidelines on move 4: The setups with early e3. Nils shows a solid and reliable setup for Black, with focus on how to play the middlegames. Also a couple of early move order tricks.
  • Video 18: The London System: Nils shows how to handle the London system with a simple and reliable setup. Also all White's tricky setups and sidelines are dealt with.
  • Video 19: 2.Nf3 Sidelines on move 3: Nils shows how to deal with the Colle with a setup very similar to that against the London and the 4.e3-line. Additionally there is also a suggestion against White's attempt at tricking Black into a Catalan without the early c4.
  • Video 20: Sidelines on move 2: All of White's more dubious attempt after 1.d4 d5. The Veresov, the Jobava London and even the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. Against all options the focus is on easy-to-learn and easy-to-play setups for Black.


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Quick info

  • Format: DVD / download (mp4 files)
  • Running Time: 10 hours
  • System Requirements: This DVD will run on all platforms - PC, MAC, tablet etc.
  • File Size:  2.1 GB
  • PGN Files: Included

Course Contibutors

  • GM Nils Grandelius

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